Me and Mrs. Boogie were sitting down after a fine meal and watching Muppets In Space. A personal favorite around this house. We were watching a scene with Animal in it when the missus suddenly said,
"You know what? Animal reminds me of that one guy."
This is a common game amongst us. She makes far-flung comparisons of things to famous people whose names she can't remember. And I am left to spend a good ten minutes trying to figure out who she's talking about. All the while, I'm missing parts of a program I specifically sat down to see. But, oh well. Can't ignore a challenge can I? It is a test of one's mettle to prove you know the identity of celebrities given only a handful of information. Besides, usually Mrs. Boogie is pretty on the ball with her comparisons. This might be good for a chuckle or two.
"Which guy?"
"You know, the one that you said banged Angelina Jolie."
Well gee this will narrow down the choices a bit. More details will definitely be needed.
"Umm babe," I said to her, "I think Angelina has had lots of sex with lots of people. I'm gonna need some more information."
"You know, the crazy one with all the tattoos."
I sigh, "Again babe, a bit more information."
"You know, the Irish one who was on Scrubs."
Bam! Recognition achieved. Neurons activiate in the brain and data mapping begins. A list of common attributes circulates through my mental network, making precise comparisons and listing similarities. No information is spared in this search for truth. In what seems like no time at all, the conclusion comes to me:
Dear god, Animal from the Muppets does indeed look like Colin Farrell.

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