I watch, and thoroughly enjoy, a lot of Top Chef. It serves as kind of a training ground for a lot of the weird shit I employ in my cooking. At the very least, the insane antics of the overly cocky contestants help to cement a few of the philosophies about food that I've developed.
That said, I know the program comes with a lot of cook patois and culinary terminology that, if you have no interest in learning, can make the program pretty much unwatchable. So, if you're someone who is now remotely interested in the program because I brought it up, or if you happen to be a follower of the program who was just curious on what my take on this season is, here is a brief synopsis for your viewing pleasure:
Leah's a slut, Hosea's borderline racist, and Carla looks like Coco from "Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends."

My prediction for who wins? Steffan. The man is cocky and pig-headed, but damnit he can back up his words with some quality looking food. He delivers the goods, end of story.
That is all.
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