May 14, 2008

Oh Britney, You Crazy

Britney Spears, who's a pop singer or something like that as apparently been in a car accident. While in a state of reported distraction, she bumped the owner of a red Ford Explorer at a red light. And although there was no serious injury to either party, the damage was severe enough to warrant the exchange of information.

This falls on the one month anniversary of Britney in another auto accident, this time on the Los Angeles freeway system in which three vehicles were involved. And if memory serves, there was an incident in August of last year involving Britney once again, this time in a hit and run incident with another vehicle. These incidents don't include being stopped by the LAPD for speeding and dangerous driving.

For fuck's sake, why does she still have a license? What, my grandmother hits a light pole and the DMV come a'running, but when Ms. Spears endangers a few lives, you say "Oh well, mistakes happen?" Bullshit! Pull the license, so people like me can feel safe about going out on the streets at night without some crazy whack-job celebrity running my ass over because of a few attention issues. She's Britney Spears goddamnit, she can afford to take the fucking bus!

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