May 18, 2009

Governer Jon Huntsman Jr. Appointed To Ambassador To China. Oh Noes.

So, our fair state has garnered itself a little media attention as of late, seeing as the president just nominated Utah Governner Jon Huntsman Jr. to serve as ambassador to China. It's quite the mindfuck, I must admit, since the freaky state I call home is rarely in the news. And when it is, it usually involves butt-faced polygamists who are intent on marrying minors and ignoring taxes. We're typically not a press-worthy bunch in this state, and for so many good reasons which I'll avoid listing in this post. And yet, here we are. The president has made an official appointment of a conservative Mormon individual to maintain good diplomatic relations with China.

And you know what? I'm gonna miss the guy.

It's strange to say, being someone of dark skin and liberal constitution, but the guy wasn't too bad. Typically the name Huntsman fills us minority types living here in Utah with a sense of dread, but Jon was different.

Firstly, the dude dropped out of high school to play rock music. Granted, he eventually went back, and went to the U of U and did the whole miserable fraternity bit, but still, that act of rebellion kind of endears me to the fella.

The second thing I'll miss about ol' Huntsman is that he was actually trying to make Utah look like less of a freak show.

Now you proud Utahans who are staring aghast at the screen that one of your residents would dare say such a thing, just go ahead and close your mouths right now. I fully acknowledge that your lifestyle may have it's own rewards, and it may make you a very happy decent individual, but take this moment to compare yourself to the rest of this country. You'll find it hard to argue that this state looks like some kind of backwater Ozarkian butt fuckery.

You know it's true. Anytime anyone mentions Utah in a movie, it's always followed with a joke, when you go out of state and mention you live in Utah, someone always says "I'm sorry," (it's happened to me at least five times,) and other than an overrated film festival and a relatively decent basketball team, we've really got nothing that speaks to the rest of America. What is Utah's biggest talking point? Apparently it's that the predominant culture once rode wagons across the plains. And considering how little press the pilgrims get anymore, that's really not anything to write home about. You may celebrate your religion, but the rest of the country really doesn't get it. And nobody's been all that interested to do so since way back when your ancestral types got booted from Missouri. Love your state all you want, and take pride in your religion people, I've got nothing against any of it. But do acknowledge that when everyone else things Utah, they think of old time prairie country where the beer's watered down and a half naked gold guy blows a horn on top of buildings. (P.S. If there are any Utahans who were actually offended by this notion....why are you reading this blog anyways? God's gonna be pissed when he finds out.)

Getting back on topic, Huntsman was making strong efforts to kind of normalize our freakish state. The lifting of the Zion curtain, letting bars actually be bars instead of those weird as shit private clubs? Taking positive stances on global warming and gay rights? These are good things people. It certainly helps take the nasty taste out of our mouths of Utah being the state that fucked the California homosexual population over. So, I applaud the man, for trying to take us into a necessary future, and am saddened by the fact that he's leaving.

Saddened mostly because I know whoever's coming in next will probably try to get back to the old ways of doing things. Utah fears change more than any place I can imagine. A big reason this place is still considered to be full of overly chirpy pioneers is because the brunt of folks like it that way. They think it makes them look kind of kitchy or something, and they fight long and hard to protect that image. Meaning that those of us who actually like the normal things will continue to be pushed around by the Teletubby-type beings who continue to be in charge.

I was starting to look forward to this new Utah. I admit, I kind of like the place. There are a lot of fantastic people and traditions here. And I'll even admit that the Mormon population in general are a pretty decent bunch of folks. It's hard to hate those guys. But still, I do long to see things equalize a bit. I can deal with being with the group of outcasts, but riding with the freakshow group is a little harder to bear.

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