2009 is upon us and thank fucking god for it. I don't know about you folks, but '08 was hell on wheels for me. Walking disasters, consistent problems, and a fair amount more soul searching than a half-lunatic, failed musician should ever be expected to go through.
Well I'm not having my new year drag out in the same morbid fashion. I won't be dragging what's left of my sanity like some dead mule through two feet of snow, begging for December to end so that I can kiss the year away with strong drink and mischievous deeds. No, we're shooting for buoyant this time around.
And as such, I have made me resolutions accordingly. But I'm not taking the usual paths this time around. None of this "less of these things," and "no more of those things" nonsense. No sir, the big word of 2009 is "more."
Diet if you like. Deny yourself one of life's simple pleasures if you think it'll make you a better person, Me, I'm packing the eats in. High doses of grub, and not just more, but better. Higher quality eats, top notch dining that leads to nothing but glazed expressions and big fat poofy smiles. Boogie is out to eat like goddamned royalty people.
And I'm not talking fancy establishments or the gourmet stuff. Eating good doesn't mean dealing with the finicky. Nope, eating good is strictly about staring at an empty plate and saying to yourself "Fuck, that was awesome." This means I'll be searching for more of those taco stands I'm so fond of. I'll be trying out every beat to hell diner and greasy spoon I can find in search of quality food. And yeah, I'll hit the gourmet stuff from time to time, because it's good. And good is the goal here. I'm tired of the late night regret of pulling into some fast food place and having a bag of greasy styrofoam thrown at me. Boogie's gonna eat good, because he's a much more pleasant bastard to be around when he does.
Of course, one can't eat more without also tacking on......
'09 is not a year to play it easy. Times are tough, the world is in a tough place, and this calls for tougher countermeasures. Strong drink can sometimes be the only thing between you and a major mental and emotional collapse. Not to mention that it's quite awesome as a fuel for creativity (even if that creativity means spending an evening trying to find letters in my hand wrinkles.) Granted, I probably won't be purchasing $150 bottles of chardonnay this year (or ever possibly) but that won't stop me from indulging in the joys of altered state. Economic libation is still libation, and a little often goes a long way.
And with the addition of more drink also comes the inevitable.....
'08 had it's moments of strangeness. I recall sitting in the hot tub of a hotel singing Sinatra's "Fly Me To The Moon" at the top of my lungs, while a family of four sat at the far end of the pool staring at me in terror. I set off fire alarms in huge buildings and then pinned the blame on small children (not my proudest moment, but the little bastards had it coming.) I willingly handled big ass snakes, spiders, and scorpions and only caused them to be slightly pissed at me. And of course, there is that whole "kidnapping and torturing Justin Timberlake" buisness that we've all been beat over the head with.
The goal for '09 is to load up on as much crazy as possible. Madcap antics, bizarre fondlings, life in peril, the good shit. We're taking in as much as possible because believe it or not, Boogie has played it way too safe. Spent way too many days tucked away in my little fortified compound here interacting with nothing but an LCD display and my sick sensibilities. Well damnit, that's no way to live. We're going out and meeting folks, making a few friends, and hopefully, starting a little shit. "Buy the ticket, take the ride."
What does this mean? Could it mean more BGO associated goodness? Could it mean more projects involving the twisted bass player writing this crap? Could it be something new and amazing? The answer is....who cares? It's not like my body of work has been such a mind blowing success that anything I do brings the masses running curiously to the web. All I know is, I should be doing more of it.
'08 served as my quaint little "American Pie." And though I don't remember which day the music died in '07, I know I haven't really done much to resurrect it. Not a bad thing I suppose, this was the first time in thirteen years that I quit spending my every waking minute thinking I would be a huge genre-bending musician that changes the face of music as we know it. And you know what? The break has been nice. I've managed to think about things outside of the musical realm, that I can competently enjoy doing.
Still, I'd like to get back into it. Maybe not as hardcore as I once used to, but to at least dabble a bit. At the very least, to feel like I'm getting some use out of all that goddamned, overpriced equipment sitting in the basement.
And besides, more music doesn't have to mean I'm making the shit. Hell no, I can go out and hear someone else do it. And I probably should too, once upon a time I used to know a thing or two about this stuff.
Here at the start of '09, I have something I've never had before: A certificate that says I can teach people how to save lives. Ye gods.
That's a pretty impressive thing I suppose. And it definitely looks good next to that Bachelor's of Science, which consequently has given me no use whatsoever. However, this is not nearly enough, Boogie craves more, much more.
And so, with a great deal of shock and terror, Boogie has decided to further his education. This crazed bastard is going back to school. I know, "Egads," and "Holy fuck!" And while no paperwork has been signed nor has no class schedule even been glanced at, I'm convinced this is going to happen. And believe me, I fought hard to keep it from happening. I had no interest into ever stepping into a place of higher learning again, once was more than enough for me. But, plans change and the game flips on you. And as such, I'm going to have to go back to do something I think I could be pretty good at. We'll see.
Anyhow, that's the big list for the new year. And I encourage you to make a list of similar stature. Quit regretting the bizaree and twisted things you did up until this point. Embrace excess, treat the strange moments like they may be your last. Life is hard, but it's also short. Make an ass of yourself from time to time, it makes the slow decay that much more bearable.
And a Happy New Year to you all.
January 1, 2009
Boogie's Resolutions
1:52 AM
Labels: Food Stuffs, Moments Of Clarity, Music
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