December 20, 2007

Welcome To My Job

Jobs, they're everywhere. Most folks got 'em, everybody wants 'em. In this day and age, it's damn near impossible to survive without possessing at least one. Gone are the days where an aspiring young soul could buy a tent, some bullets, and a good knife, and make their way in the wild yonder. Wit and determination can all be brought down in flames, just for lack of the green stuff. You wanna make it? Then get a job. So we do.

Some days, it probably feels like our jobs define us more than they should. Think about when you meet a person for the first time. You usually hear something along the lines of, “Hi, my name is person and I'm an occupation for company.” And people, naturally, tend to summarize you with that factor in mind. You can't just be funny, nice, or have a good sense of humor, without having the fact that you bag groceries be taken into account.

But do our jobs really define us? I mean, what if we hate our jobs? Does that mean that we're self loathing, miserable people? How about if we work at a company with whose politics you don't agree with? Does that make us hypocrites? Probably not. It just means we do something unpleasant to make enough to get by. I think a job can only define us if we let it.

But, to confirm my theory, I looked up the definition of the word “job” on the dictionary. It read as follows:

a piece of work, esp. a specific task done as part of the routine of one's occupation

anything a person is expected or obliged to do; duty; responsibility

No mention of the words “live, breathe, and die by your work.” A good thing too, since a good chunk of folks would probably kill themselves if they had to hold by that definition.

Still, there are those crazy people out there who get a kick out of being their work. The nutty few who love what they do so much, they allow it to define them. Gallagher once described his job as “looking at the world and picking out the funny stuff.” The man is truly his work.

I also take my work very seriously. I put every bit of energy and inspiration into my tasks, and try to be proud of my accomplishments. It could be safely said, that I am my job. And what job is that you may ask? Well, I'm fairly convinced it's to be here, talking to you.

I'm here to use my words and my music to entertain all you good people. And hopefully, I can even give you some stuff to think about. It's a crazy place we all live in and there are lots of questions that beg to be asked. And I'm just crazy enough to do the asking. No subject is safe from a guy like me. I'm that dangerous sort of person, who reads too much and spends too much time thinking about weird shit. Naturally, this can make for some random, far-reaching topics, great amounts of verbal nonsense, and a lot of incessant whining. But, at the very least, it shouldn't be boring.

So, welcome to The Boogie Man Speaks, my place of business. I hope your experience here will be a good one.

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